Death Tidies Up
by Barbara Colley
February 2003
ISBN 1-5756-6875-0
October in New Orleans, and most residents of the city's historic
Garden District are rejoicing in the brief reprise of cooler fall
weather — a rare occurrence in steamy south Louisiana. But
murder-solving maid Charlotte LaRue isn't one of them — not
this year...
running her maid service (the successful Maid-for-a-Day) and fretting
her upcoming birthday (the dreaded 6-0), Charlotte
LaRue doesn't have much time for gossip. But New Orleans' latest
dust-up is hard to ignore — especially since it involves Marian
Hebert, one of Charlotte's new clients. Turns out Marian's now-deceased
husband once worked for his best friend Drew Bergeron's real-estate
agency — and when the business deal soured, so did the friendship.
The whole sordid affair came to an unfortunate end when Drew died
in a plane crash — and Bill Hebert was killed in what some
people insist on calling an accident. Others are convinced it was
juicy stuff, right? Charlotte doesn't think so. She's trying her
to forget all the rumors — she has more important
things to worry about these days. Like vacuuming, window-washing...and
her new job at the old Devilier house. The gorgeous historic home
is being transformed into luxury apartments, and Maid-for-a-Day is
in charge of the cleanup. Should be easy enough, Charlotte thinks — until
she finds a barely-cold corpse in one of the closets.
police are sure the dead man is Drew Bergeron. Funny, considering
Drew supposedly
died years ago — and Charlotte distinctly remembers
attending his funeral. Talk about messy. Suddenly all that gossip
about the Heberts and Bergerons seems incredibly timely — and
Charlotte wishes she'd listened just a little bit closer...
an Excerpt
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